Following the recent heavy rainfall event, the Lead Local Flood Authority, Lancashire County Council, need to be made aware of any instances where flooding has entered properties. Please contact Croston Parish Council if your property was impacted by flooding during this period so they can pass this on to LCC.

If your property has had flood water enter your home, you will get advice from their home & contents insurers about what to do next. If you don't have insurance, you are best advised to contact Chorley Borough Council for help with cleaning up.

If you have foul water (dirty water from sewers) coming into your property, you should report this to United Utilities, who may be able to help with cleaning and will want to investigate any potential failings in their network. United Utilities can be contacted on 0345 672 3723.

Any long-lasting ponding of water in the road should be reported to LCC Highways for investigation and appropriate repairs. This can be reported as a highway fault through the Love Clean Streets app Lancashire Report It - Login. If it is anything more complicated, we advise that you either telephone on 0300-123-6780 during normal working hours or send the information in an email any time to [email protected] including as much detail as possible.

LCC need to know about all flooding events, particularly where private property has been impacted so they can investigate responsibility and identify whether there may be a case for funding for long-term improvements to an area. This can be reported to LCC through the Love Clean Streets app, by telephone on 0300 123 6780 during normal working hours or by email any time to: [email protected]

Please provide as much detail as possible in any reports.

Image of flooding incident, with vehicle driving through deep water.