Bench on Carr Lane BEFORE area renovated

13th of June, 2024

...this is how the bench area on Carr Lane used to look like .... mud, mud and more mud ....

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The Men's Shed , Thursdays from 9.30am to 12.30pm/1pm , the Sports Club, Croston

13th of June, 2024

Chaps ! Come along to the Croston Men's Shed to enjoy good company, a good brew  and the chance to try out some wood turning and crafting in wood. No previous knowledge or skills in wood turning necessary as these can be learnt at the Shed.&...

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Would You Like To Be A Campanologist? "Yes!" .....Then read on ...

13th of June, 2024

Our wonderful bell-ringers meet at St. Michael and All Angels Church , Croston on Monday evenings to practise their craft. It 's a wonderful hobby and anyone wishing to 'get involved and literally  learn the ropes'  is...

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Precept Funded Project Renovation The Green - Work Started 10/6/24

12th of June, 2024

On Monday 10/6/24, renovation work started at The Green with the removal of the Flagpole and the metal chains that hang between the bollards along Town Road.    A local metal fabrication company has been awarded the contract for this work ....

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Precept Funded Project Renovation War Memorial - Work Commences and Ongoing over the Summer 2024.

12th of June, 2024

On Monday 10th June 2024 , renovation of the War Memorial started with the removal of the thick metal chains that hang between the posts. A local metal fabrication company that has been in business for more than 40 years , has been awarded the contra...

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