Precept Funded Project Renovation The Green - Work Started 10/6/24

12th of June, 2024

On Monday 10/6/24, renovation work started at The Green with the removal of the Flagpole and the metal chains that hang between the bollards along Town Road.    A local metal fabrication company has been awarded the contract for this work ....

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Precept Funded Project Renovation War Memorial - Work Commences and Ongoing over the Summer 2024.

12th of June, 2024

On Monday 10th June 2024 , renovation of the War Memorial started with the removal of the thick metal chains that hang between the posts. A local metal fabrication company that has been in business for more than 40 years , has been awarded the contra...

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Update - No Car Parking Charges at Croston Railway Station

28th of May, 2024

Further to our news article on this subject on the 26th May the Parish Council has received official communication from Northern Trains Limited that car park charging has been postponed indefinitely until remediation work can take place. ...

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Croston Railway Station - No Car Parking Charges - for the time being

26th of May, 2024

Further to our news item of the 19th April 2024, Friends of Croston Station have informed the Parish Council that Northern Rail has announced that it will not be introducing car parking charges at Croston Railway Station - for the time being.

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Flood Alert! Message from Lower Yarrow Flood Action Group

22nd of May, 2024

Flood Alert Message from Lower Yarrow Flood Action Group “The Environment Agency have been in contact to advise that, due to predicted rainfall, they expect to be operating the barrage late this evening / early tomorrow morning. We a...

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