Volunteers Needed at Croston Old School

19th of May, 2024

Lots of scope for any volunteers to get involved. Simply contact the Chair of The Old School. See poster for all the relevant details. 

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Footbridge at Old School - REPAIRED

28th of April, 2024

The Parish Council is delighted to announce that the historic footbridge railings behind the Old School have been expertly repaired and restored. The damage was caused by a falling tree bough last year . All parties involved worked very suc...

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Precept Funded Project Renovation 2024 : Tree Risk Assessment on The Green

24th of April, 2024

The Parish Council takes its responsibilities to the public extremely seriously which is why we commissioned a Tree Risk Assessment to be carried out on The Green by local tree experts Ken Linford Landscapes Ltd. Their qualified arborist conducted a&...

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Precept CT Funded New Signage at The Recreation Park: Croston Parish Council working with Croston Together

24th of April, 2024

The Recreation Park is a fantastic parish amenity , maintained to a very high standard by Countrywide Ltd ( groundworks) , Croston Together volunteers and the Parish Council. Members of the Public are encouraged to visit and enjoy this wonderful spac...

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Project Renovation 2024: Bug Hotel gets a New Home !

24th of April, 2024

Are you wondering where the Bug Hotel has gone ?  Wonder no more ! It has been transported from its long standing home in the corner of The Green to a lovley spot on The Croft where all the invertebrates can live happily. Many thanks to the...

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