Eccleston Dam on the River Yarrow - Information from Lower Yarrow Flood Action Group, Croston. Huge THANKS extended to L.Y.F.A.G. for all their efforts.

3rd of March, 2024

L.Y.F.A.G has  given the P.C. details about the operation and capacity of the dam located on the River Yarrow in Eccleston which  regulates river levels to try and prevent flooding further down river as the Yarrow &...

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Parking on the Pavement in Croston - is it illegal? Information from the R.A.C.

24th of February, 2024

Parking on the pavement - is it illegal?     Please note : The Following is taken from the R.A.C. Website 2024 and is not written by the Parish Council The whole of the UK could soon follow London in making parking on pavements ill...

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Parish Council Thanks Volunteers for Planting Trees on The Recreation Park Feb. 2024

24th of February, 2024

Huge thanks to volunteers from Croston Together and Croston in Bloom for planting 10 Parish Council funded trees at the Recreation Park. The trees are supported by wooden posts but still need everyone using the Park to be careful around these yo...

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Parish Council thanks Croston in Bloom for all their hard work in February 2024

24th of February, 2024

 The Parish Council extends a HUGE thanks to all the kind volunteers of Croston in Bloom for all the hours of hard work that they invest in tending to the many communal areas of the village.  Here's an update  on their recent&nb...

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Daffodils Kindly Planted by Parishioners at Dandy Croft and the Train Station.

20th of February, 2024

The Parish Council thanks kind resident Chris C of Rectory Close for taking the time to plant lots of daffodils around the Chorley Council black bin on Highfield Rd. and along Dandy Croft by the primary school. What a joy it is to see these...

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