D Day 80th Anniversary Commemorations 6/6/24 in Croston

20th of February, 2024

The Parish Council and community groups etc... will be marking this most poignant of occasions  in the village on 6/6/24. There is a nation wide programme of suggested events ( see attached file) which CPC  also hopes to observe in par...

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Precept Funded Tree Safety Risk Assessment on The Green

19th of February, 2024

As part of our commitment to maintaining the safety of Parish Council owned areas in the village , the PC has funded a Tree Risk Assessment of The Green , Croston. This was conducted by a registered local arborist and will inform future works to...

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Precept Funded Safety Repairs and Maintenance to Recreation Park

18th of February, 2024

The Parish Council  recently commissioned a company called Wicksteed to carry out a comprehensive Safety Inspection  of all  the Recreation Park equipment . This looked in detail at all fixtures and fittings and gav...

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Dandy Croft , the path by the primary school, connecting Highfield Rd. and Out Lane is NOT a Bridle Way - Thank you

18th of February, 2024

The Parish Council has been contacted by several  concerned parishioners about a horse/s or pony/ies  being walked along Dandy Croft path. This is the path that runs between Highfield Rd and Out Lane . Dandy Croft is NOT a bridle w...

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Sorted - Pot Holes , Town Rd ( by Grapes Car Park ) Parish Council reported pot holes on Town Rd that LCC Highways Dept. has fixed . 7th of February, 2024

7th of February, 2024

The Parish Council and other parishioners reported the deep pot holes on Town Rd . which LCC Highways Dept. has now fixed. This is great news for drivers and cyclists.  We used the App ' Love Clean Streets ' which is very ea...

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