Precept Funded AWARDED : Groundwork Tender for mowing, weed control, path maintenance etc... Parish Council owned or leased areas

19th of May, 2024

Croston Parish Council is pleased to have awarded the Tender for mowing Countrywide Grounds Maintenance who has been doing the work  for a number of years. Areas covered include The Green , Out Lane Car Park , The War Memorial , The Recreation Park and benches around the village etc...The Tender is set for three years with an option to extend to another two. 

We've increased the number of visits by 4 days a year to keep on top of the mowing. We've also introduced some areas previously covered by Croston In Bloom which has decided to concentrate on more 'fun gardening' leaving all the mowing and weed control to the contractors. 

I'm sure you'll agree with us that both Countrywide and Croston in Bloom do an excellent job. Thank you to both .