Chorley Council - Polling Station Review

6th of October, 2024

Please see attached Notice of Review

Every 5 years, local authorities across England and Wales are required to review its polling districts and polling places to check if they are in the right place and fit for purpose. Councils are required to complete the latest review by 31 January 2025, and we need your help.

Chorley Council has launched a public consultation with organisations and individuals who represent groups of residents in Chorley that might find it difficult, for whatever reason, to vote at a polling station. 

This would include (but not limited to) those people who -

  • struggle with their mobility,
  • have hearing or sight loss,
  • require extra support,
  • may feel going into a polling station intimidating or confusing,
  • would prefer to have their photo identity to be confirmed in public for religious or health reasons,
  • or someone who needs just a little bit of help.

Anyone eligible to vote at an election, should be able to vote at a polling station if they wished to do so, without being restricted, distressed, or made to feel singled out.  However, we understand that we don’t always get it right. 

We really want as many organisations and individuals as possible to give their views about polling stations across the Chorley area.  We would also welcome suggestions for improvements and alternative venues for polling stations which might be more suitable and inclusive for everyone.

More information about the review can be found on the council website by clicking

Chorley Council are keen to receive responses from groups, organisations, and individuals, which you can submit by the following methods:


Post to

Polling Place Review

Electoral Services

Chorley Council

Town Hall

Market Street



Email to

[email protected]

Completing an on-line survey or scan the QR code


The deadline for responses is 18 October 2024. 

The findings of the survey and any recommendation will be presented at the council meeting for approval on Tuesday, 19 November. 

Any changes to polling stations, because of this review, will be implemented at the next scheduled elections on 1 May 2025. 

A list of all those organisations and groups consultled on the review, and comments made will be included on the council website.