November 2024 Precept Funded New Notice Boards on The Green
12th of December, 2024
Two new double Notice Boards have been funded for The Green . These are black with gold writing, to be in keeping with the rest of the street furniture in this part of the Conservation Area. The Parish Council has already received a great deal of positive feedback on the new Notice Boards from parishioners and members of the public visiting the village - Thank you.
There is ample room now for all the legal notices of the Parish Council to be posted in the left side double board and all community notices to be displayed in the right hand side double board. If you would like to put a community based information poster in the new Information Notice Board , please provide an A4 paper copy to the Clerk ( email address for more details on this website) - Thank you .
Many thanks to Alistair Wade Landscapes Ltd. for installing the boards so professionally on The Green and for doing so also with the single green coloured Notice Board that is now situated outside the Surgery on The Orchard. This single board was given to us by Chorley Council .
We also thank Mr and Mrs Garg for allowing the extra, single Notice Board to be sited on their land on Brookfields.