January 2025 Croston Parish Council - Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

11th of January, 2025

Vacancy, Parish Councillor, 
Croston Parish Council.

•    Do you enjoy working with others?
•    Would you like to make a difference in your community?
•    Do you have skills you could put to good use on our forward-thinking & positive Parish Council?
•    Do you have a vision for Croston now and moving forward into the future?
•    Can you commit to Parish Council meetings, 7.30pm second Wednesday of each month?

Yes? Then please consider applying for this vacancy.

Eligibility: 18 or over, British citizen or citizen of the Commonwealth. Been living or working in Croston or within three miles of the parish boundary for at least 12 months.
Deadline for applications: Noon 31 Jan 2025

Simply submit a short paragraph by email to the Clerk of the Parish Council, telling us about yourself & how and why you would like to contribute to the Parish Council. All applicants will be contacted after the 31 Jan 2025 with further details of the process for appointment to this vacancy. We look forward to hearing from you. Please note that the role of Parish Councillor is an unpaid volunteer role.
Email: [email protected]