February 2025 Information  re: Pollarding of the Lime Tree on The Green

10th of February, 2025

Information  re: Pollarding of the Lime Tree on The Green  

A fully qualified Arborist of Ken Linford Garden Care Ltd. carried out a comprehensive  Risk Assessment on all the trees on The Green .

Two trees were identified as needing attention to protect the public and property on and around The Green. Planning Permission was given by Chorley Council for  work to be carried out on these trees in our Conservation Area.

The dead Rowan ( behind the Notice Boards) has been  removed. The Lime tree has been  pollarded due to its ‘included unions’ which had made it extremely  ‘top heavy’  ( rather like five trees growing out  from one lower bough ) and liable to dangerous branch failure especially during  extreme weather conditions that we are now experiencing .

The Parish Council takes public safety very seriously. There are sadly , many examples of the dangers from falling branches and trees.  In recent storms, a large  branch came down on the footbridge behind the Old School severely damaging the metal railings, a large tree came down across Grape Lane, a large spilt bough came down across Ridley Lane Mawdesley and,  tragically  there was a fatality from a falling tree on the A59  this last winter.

We ask that you are patient for a couple of years, whilst the pollarded Lime on The Green, which will look sparse initially, should go on to have healthy regrowth similar to the trees on The Croft that were pollarded a few years ago.