Contact your Parish Council to share information, concerns or praise - We'd love to hear from you !

19th of September, 2023

For future Parish Council newsletters,  we are looking for interesting stories or features that our parishioners  would love to hear about.  Is there maybe someone who has had an interesting life that lives in the village?   or maybe a young person that deserves recognition for their contribution to village life? 

 There are often many unsung heroes or groups that do lots of work for the village that we as a Parish Council are happy to support but don't necessarily know about, so it would be great to hear about them. 

CPC are keen to  support community groups and communicate the good work done by them.  Please do get in touch. 

Why not drop the new clerk Paul a note,  and he  will do the rest?    email : [email protected]   or Tel : 07966 267 186    Many thanks.