Parish Council thanks Croston in Bloom for all their hard work in February 2024

24th of February, 2024

 The Parish Council extends a HUGE thanks to all the kind volunteers of Croston in Bloom for all the hours of hard work that they invest in tending to the many communal areas of the village. 

Here's an update  on their recent work sessions in February as explained by Anne P , their Chair : 

We have lowered the height of the shrubs on the Community Garden on Out Lane and have cut down the large shrub at the back of the village green as well as doing seasonal trimming and clearing in both areas. Chorley Council have kindly said they will clear away the large amount of brash that this has created from the Community Garden in the coming days. 

We have also filled both grey bins on The Green which we will put out for emptying next week. We will then return to The Green to prune back the remaining shrubs on the 2 small beds. 

It was pleasing to see the many clumps of Snowdrops in flower and that overall the the flora on both sites is looking in good condition  for this time of year.

kind regards